[VRChat] Succubot Set for RARUH
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Here's a simple succubus outfit for Raruh, complete with robotic wings and a new tail replacement! Due to the more NSFW nature of this outfit, it has been marked as Adult. If you would like to buy this outfit but use PayPal, please consider either using Pixiv Coban or buying from Jinxxy: https://coban.pixiv.net/ https://jinxxy.com/kitsuCG/succubotraruh This outfit does NOT include Raruh or her NSFW addon; you can purchase her from here: https://tori-nyan.booth.pm/items/5847605 Requires Poiyomi 8.1.167: https://www.poiyomi.com/ VRCFury prefabs for both SFW and NSFW Raruh are included, but if you'd rather install the outfit manually, basic prefabs and the FBX file are also included. [Outfit Stats] Polygons: 15.6k Materials: 2 Meshes: 6 Physbone Components: 3 Mesh Maps for retexturing in Substance Painter are included, but are not required for the outfit to work. Thanks to Jean D'Nim for helping with the in-game pictures 🍓 https://jeandnim.gumroad.com/ https://bsky.app/profile/jeandnim.bsky.social https://x.com/JeanDNim And thanks to Runya for helping me double-check the outfit 🍓 https://x.com/RunyaVR https://bsky.app/profile/runyavr.bsky.social